Public SectorThe public sector faces many challenges: globalization, budget cutbacks and increased needs. Government agencies are looking to reduce costs and maximize value from investments through technology-led innovations.  We leverage our proven global capabilities to positively impact our public sector clients and improve the services they offer their citizens.

Facing Public Sector Challenges Together

We help our public sector clients respond to the challenges in their ever-changing environment by drawing on our leading position in Europe and by introducing new approaches and ideas to service delivery. Our work in the US public sector by our US Government Solutions Group located in the Washington DC metro area  has resulted in successful transformation projects that align innovation with business needs for federal, state and local government agencies.

Public Security

Public Security in the Digital Age

As a public security organization, you need to use digital tools to protect citizens, secure data and monitor criminal activity better than ever before.

Cloud computing, social media and mobile devices can open new doors for you to:

  • Improve performance
  • Reduce costs
  • Share inter-agency assets
  • Help people collaborate more easily

You need the in-depth technical and strategic knowledge to make this happen.

Improve Your Public Security Measures

We’re here to design a flexible approach to digital public security that works best for you. You need:

  • Expert consulting advice
  • Mobile solutions
  • Social media management
  • System implementation and integration
  • Effective online crisis management
  • IT and Business Process Outsourcing
  • Critical planning, reporting and analysis services
  • Information strategy design

Tax & Welfare

Governments are striving to increase tax revenues, and improve welfare provision to citizens. This means finding new ways to improve the end-to-end experience for citizens and businesses, stop benefit and tax fraud, and use new technologies to be more productive in the delivery of today’s digital citizen journey.

These are all areas in which YZSquare excels. As a leading provider in public sector consulting and IT services, our expertise in Tax & Welfare makes us the ideal transformation partner.

Digital Transformation for Tax

Using digital to reduce costs whilst improving performance

Digital is a vital tool in helping agencies maximize voluntary compliance by making it easy for citizens and businesses to understand their obligations and conduct self-assessments. However, while digital solutions can provide simpler more convenient services for the customer, it is equally important to look at it from an internal, operational perspective. Tax agencies seeking to transform digitally should:

  • Evaluate internal needs and benefits
  • Leverage new data sources
  • Redesign process to increase automation
  • Align partnerships and employee roles
  • Put the citizen at the core of their thinking